On the day of September 25, 2021, four members of the OrEoBoTs - Anushka, Shreyas, Yojana, & me (Aditi) - taught seven kids about FIRST. Specifically, we taught them about FLL Explore/Junior. First, we gave a google slides presentation on how FLL Explore/Junior works & what you have to do. Then, we went over this year's theme - Cargo Connect. The Registration explanation was done in a flash & we proceeded to go to the hands-on activity we planned. The hands-on activity consisted of two tasks - core values game & robot-building game. The core values game is called Flip the Tarp. Flip the Tarp is a game in which you have a group of people standing on top of a tarp & all of you try to flip the tarp over without touching/stepping on the floor. This game requires teamwork, communication, inclusion, &, of course, fun. The robot-building game was an activity in which they made a vehicle/building with a set of legos. The legos included a variety of blocks, wheels, gears, & a ton of other pieces to help build an amazing model. Overall, the presentation didn't go too bad & the kids were, for the most part, okay. While we had a little struggle when getting their attention & civility, in the end, we think they learnt a lot from the presentation, which is the most important part.

I really loved how you guys care about the younger generations and how you want to educate them. This is great and I really hope you guys continue to do more of this in the future.