The program Studio 2.0 can help you create your very own Spike Prime designs! Here are some steps you need to follow in order for you to be able to build on your computer.
Studio 2.0 Setup
Install Studio from
Download Spike parts from
Installing custom spike parts
Locate directory - “/Applications/Studio 2.0/ldraw/”
Extract the zip file int step #2 to this directory.
Rename the directory to ‘Custom Parts’ (note that there is a space in the name)
Follow instructions at
Start Studio 2.0. You should see ‘Custom Parts’ in the navigation bar.
Import Lego sets (45678 and 45680)
In the navigation bar, click “Config” -> “Custom Palettes” -> “Choose a way to add a new palette” -> “Import official lego set”
Type in “45678” and click import.
Type in “45680” and click import.